D'Karta Sawangan

Rumah Scandinavian Style Harga Terbaik!

Kesempatan Emas, Jangan Sampai Terlewat!

DP 0%! Booking Fee Cuma 3 Juta All In Akad Kredit!

Konsultasi Gratis

Tentang Griya Loka Indonesia

Griya Loka Indonesia adalah platform terpercaya untuk pemasaran dan penjualan properti di seluruh Indonesia dengan layanan profesional yang optimal.

Mengapa Memilih Kami

Kami memastikan properti Anda mendapatkan eksposur maksimal untuk menjangkau pembeli potensial dengan strategi pemasaran yang efektif dan profesional.

Layanan Kami

Kami membantu pemasaran dan penjualan properti dengan layanan profesional untuk eksposur maksimal.

Pemasaran Properti

Kami menawarkan strategi pemasaran yang efektif untuk menjangkau pembeli potensial di seluruh Indonesia.

A person walks past a large advertising billboard for lifestyle serviced apartments. The billboard features text promoting one to three bedroom units with social facilities. In the background, a partially demolished or deteriorating building is visible. The scene is in black and white, adding a stark contrast to the modern advertisement and the old structure.
A person walks past a large advertising billboard for lifestyle serviced apartments. The billboard features text promoting one to three bedroom units with social facilities. In the background, a partially demolished or deteriorating building is visible. The scene is in black and white, adding a stark contrast to the modern advertisement and the old structure.
Penjualan Rumah

Tim kami siap membantu Anda dalam proses penjualan rumah dengan pendekatan yang profesional dan terpercaya.

Dapatkan layanan terbaik untuk properti Anda dengan dukungan penuh dari tim ahli kami.

Konsultasi Ahli
A real estate auction sign displaying the word 'SOLD' in bold red letters. The sign includes images of a home's interior featuring a living room with modern furniture, and it is set against the backdrop of trees and sky.
A real estate auction sign displaying the word 'SOLD' in bold red letters. The sign includes images of a home's interior featuring a living room with modern furniture, and it is set against the backdrop of trees and sky.
A yellow sign with bold black text in German promoting an agency located on a street. The background shows part of an urban setting with tables and chairs on a sidewalk.
A yellow sign with bold black text in German promoting an agency located on a street. The background shows part of an urban setting with tables and chairs on a sidewalk.

D'Karta Sawangan

Properti strategis di lokasi terbaik Indonesia.

Rp. 3.000.000 (booking fee)

A view of the upper floors of a light-colored building with multiple windows and ornate architectural details. A red and white 'For Sale' sign with contact information is visible on the building's facade. The building is surrounded by greenery, and there are overhead utility lines. The sky above is partly cloudy with patches of blue.
A view of the upper floors of a light-colored building with multiple windows and ornate architectural details. A red and white 'For Sale' sign with contact information is visible on the building's facade. The building is surrounded by greenery, and there are overhead utility lines. The sky above is partly cloudy with patches of blue.
A cityscape with a real estate sign in the foreground, prominently displaying the name and phone number. Surrounding the sign are various buildings with different architectural styles, some with scaffolding and green netting. The scene features a mix of older, worn structures alongside modern glass-fronted buildings. Power lines and construction materials add to the urban complexity.
A cityscape with a real estate sign in the foreground, prominently displaying the name and phone number. Surrounding the sign are various buildings with different architectural styles, some with scaffolding and green netting. The scene features a mix of older, worn structures alongside modern glass-fronted buildings. Power lines and construction materials add to the urban complexity.
Apartemen Modern

Hunian nyaman dengan fasilitas lengkap dan aman.


Tanah Luas

Lahan ideal untuk investasi dan pembangunan properti.


Griya Loka Indonesia sangat membantu dalam pemasaran properti saya. Layanan profesional dan responsif, membuat proses penjualan menjadi lebih mudah dan cepat.

Budi Santoso

A juxtaposition of an older, brick office building with a large advertisement for business space, and a modern, sleek glass skyscraper in the background. The older building features multiple windows and a vintage sign promoting Adams & Co. Real Estate at 411 5th Ave.
A juxtaposition of an older, brick office building with a large advertisement for business space, and a modern, sleek glass skyscraper in the background. The older building features multiple windows and a vintage sign promoting Adams & Co. Real Estate at 411 5th Ave.
